Well thought design

I’m not web design specialist but I know for sure a few things which are bad for usability. For example – all those flash intros or pages, without “classic” hyperlink (Skip this Ad or just pointing to non-flash version). For example www.celestialseasonings.com – without flash enabled browser it is impossible to go to non flash …

Upgrading Rails and locking – grande finale?

I think I finally found way to snap to older Rails version in shared environment. Current (with Rails 1.1.2) way is to add to config/envrionment.rb following line in the beginning: RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘1.0.0’ and run rake rails:update in order to update config/boot.rb. Of course if You want to use older Ruby on Rails version, it …

Continuing with Rails version locking

Now I know why exactly, hack with checking out Rails in proper version into vendor/rails do the trick (see nhw.pl/wp/2006/05/09/how-to-survive-rails-upgrade). Running script/server in first line reads config/boot.rb and there just after determining RAILS_ROOT in case is not defined we find: if File.directory?(“#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails”) require “#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/railties/lib/initializer” else require ‘rubygems’ require ‘initializer’ end Everything is clear. But how …

How to survive Rails upgrade

In my case, I’m using many instances of Rails. And in this mean upgrades are not always done simultaneously. Of course, rails can be installed with many different versions on single machine. But first You have to inform Rails to use proper version. Since I’ve come to Rails via 4 Days on Rails (rails.homelinux.org) I …

Secure internet phone calls – finally

VoIP and Internet phone call became major thing in recent years. But this can not hide fact, that security is not strong in nowadays VoIP products. This is due fact almost all (SIP, RTP) voice related protocols are not encrypted. This means everyone can put it own “ear” and listen what You are talking. Probably …