Removing parts of form saved information in Firefox

Recently I found out that it is possible to remove saved form information from Your favorite Firefox browser. You say: Whooa! this is called Clear Private Data in Tools menu, and stick there from ages… No I’m not talking about this feature… When You fill form (like Google search box) FF gives You hints based …

Google – video vs. usenet

Today I’ve noticed on Google’s main page option Video (new!) search. Great. But unfortunately (for me) it has replaced Groups search option. For me Usenet search is crucial, it is my “second option” when web search gives no useful results… Well times are changing… YouTube generation is on rise… At least fancy JS popup makes …

TIOBE Programming Index

TIOBE prepares index, which should reflect which programming languages are on rise and which are falling into oblivion… TIOBE does not publish old reports, but from what I remember Ruby, first time has made its way into A-leauge (still as A–, but an A!). I think next month it can be first time Ruby will …

Rails and security

Recently, DHH posted announcement about mandatory upgrade needed for Rails users. I’m ‘with Rails’ only few months, but I have impression Rails have a very few security issues in its history. Which is Good Thing. Core team have provided info (, but have not provided details about vulnerability. There was fierce discussion in comments, as …