Cookies and port in host’s location

I’ve just discovered setting cookies with port number in domain does not sets cookie (at least in Flock). Let’s assume we have Rails application web server (default on TCP 3000 port). And in JS we use to set cookie something similar to: function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { cookie= name + “=” + …

Rake subversion task update

I have updated my Subversion task for Rails/rake. It handles better svn status output, and does not fail when edge Rails are checked and svn:external‘ed into vendor directory. You don’t have merge it with Your Rakefile, just leave svn.rake in lib/tasks and it is enough – each file from this directory with .rake suffix will …

Debugging AJAX in IE

I’m using both Debugbar and MS Developer Toolbar (more details in this entry) and still they lack features of Webdeveloper Toolbar for Firefox. This is View Generated Source, which allows to see HTML code for current state of page. Not page downloaded with first HTTP request (it is just View source), but page with all …

Rsync for backup

Rsync is very useful tool for making remote backups. I use it with following options: -avzP which are suitable for making backups. However there are some more. First –bwlimit=XX for setting upper bandwidth limit. I wish there was some way to dynamically changing limit, when rsync is running. I normal operation mode rsync makes copy …