Controllers names in Rails routes

Today I was stuck for a while over simple issue. After I wrote bunch of simple changes to code I’ve got following error in log/developmnent.log (remember Atomic Coding could help to find out earlier): NoMethodError (undefined method `camelize’ for :account:Symbol): /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.13.3/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:1284:in `recognize’ In fact I was changing conf/routes.rb. After a while I discovered problem with: …

Hurrahhh! breakpoints reactivated

Rails framework offers breakpoints in application. Unfortunately, to all developers from some time they don’t work, since they relay on ruby-breakpoint library, which is not maintained anymore. However there is available replace: ruby-debug. So go to Data Noise for usage instructions. Works for me (however I had some quirks, which have suddenly disappeared, I won’t …

Changing DB engine – Rails way

Ruby on Rails is quite DB independent. At least as long You don’t use specific SQL dialect. So changing DB engine shouldn’t be a problem, right? Yes, as long we don’t talk about data itself. I have changed engine in one application – from MySQL to sqlite. Why such change? Application will be distributed and …