Month: May 2006

  • Not only generate but also destroy

    Rails has something called generator to create all needed files for controllers, models and other things like CSS. It is nice that Rails has also destroy script to remove all related files. Removing whole Session controller would be simple like that: ./script/destroy controller Session

  • Dont use sessions table in rails

    I’ve just learned (the hard way ;-) ) that You should not use sessions table in DB. It is linked with some Ruby on Rails internals. Why dont use? Because somewhere in ActionPack is used instance variable @session. Using table named sessions in rails conventions mean that should exist class SessionController, and in it will…

  • DTrace – rails debugging reconsidered?

    I’ve complained several times about troubles debugging rails on this blog. But maybe it will come some breakthrough. I did not tested it, but it looks very promising.

  • Column names restrictions

    Last update – 2006-05-30 Ruby on Rails praises convention over configuration. Nice, but You have to be aware of this conventions, or You may run into troubles. Let’s take DB column names. RoR makes many assumptions about them, allowing this way many magic things happen. Currently I’m aware of following conventions: column id is reserved…

  • No more google serach

    As for now I have removed Google search from this blog. Why? As I wrote this blog currently is almost not indexed (I have no idea what happened). And pages which are indexed were indexed when they are on main page. Google redirects users to main page of NetManiac and there is new content. User…