Month: July 2006

  • Time to go dynamic

    Well… Until now I was trying to stay away from JavaScript. My aversion started somewhere around 2000. At this time I was webmaster at Opole University, and I was doing redesign of it pages. I tried to make some JS enabled pages, but results were not astonishing ;-)) I remember hard times with I tried…

  • Rails tips collection for almost every developer

    I found this few days ago, and for most of this informations was useful to me. Go, read and use it…

  • MUD and virtualization

    I’ve mentioned here several times about my old hobby – MUD. We have highly modified SMAUG mud running, but currently almost totally abandon… No time to make it a full-time hobby, so it was abandon… It was up & running almost all the time (I stopped working on it somewhere around 2000), but was not…

  • HTTP does not like long-lasting tasks

    As probably everyone knows HTTP does not suite well to work with long lasting tasks. In such cases You have to make some workarounds, to give response to browser before timeout, and let task running till successful (or not) finish. I have just such a task in my Rails application, but looks like I don’t…

  • Another changes

    No, I’m not talking about new WP theme on this blog (do You like it?). This week not only in 37signals were changes. This time I’m talking about Winternals ( They are (were) “responsible” for Sysinternals ( source of great tools for Windows. This tools make Windows much more usable and manageable. For free, however…