Month: July 2006

  • Jastarnia’s beaches

    I just love this place. I’ve made next wallpaper from picture taken on this year’s vacations… You may expect some more wallpaper to be coming…

  • 37signals and Jeff Bezos

    Yesterday 37signals have announced that Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder) invested in 37signals shop. Details are not known, but it will be very interesting watching what will happen with 37signals in future. I’m sure 37signals will not change its philosophy – “stay simple and focused”, I just wonder where it can lead 37signals. I hope it…

  • Output to browser in .rhtml templates

    Today I learned how to append dynamically content to output send to browser from .rhtml files. But for this action <%= should be used? Yes, however this is not always exactly what is needed. All code between tags <%= and %> is executed and result of this code is send to browser. But sometimes not…

  • Speed up

    After vacations I needed speed up, and browsing older entries in RSS feeds I found link to ScribeMedia, which is hosting filmed KeyNotes from 2006 RailsConf in Chicago. I have not enough time to listen all of them (phew, now there are only three of them ;)) ) but I’ve started from DHH’s one. Worth…

  • It is hard to start

    After two weeks without net access it is harder to start working again. I would not expected such hard start. Maybe this is made by hot summer in Warsaw and fact that I’m working this week on second shift with night standby. Makes me avoiding computer after work hours ;) But at beginning – first…