Month: August 2006

  • Rails application creation – script

    I was recently starting many new Rails application. I was doing some tests, and I needed setup new Rails applications ready to run with Subversion. I’m a lazy person (for most IT folks it is a huge advantage ;)) ) so I wrote script to automate this task. Now I want to share with my…

  • Starting Rails application on FreeBSD – script

    I was asked to publish whole startup script and I could do, so go fetch it from and customize it a bit. /RAILS/APP/ROOT – it is directory where Rails application root is PORT – port on which You want to run application (default 3000) LOW_PRIV_UID – UID (numeric) of user who will be owning…

  • Apple does not make RIM’s errors

    RIM, which is famous from its BlackBerry device was close to shut down its own services, when engaged in legal battle with NTP. I was not following it closely, but AFAIK RIM got negative feedback how was fighting with NTP. Finally they settled for something like 600 million USD. Apple took its lesson and did…

  • ISS – no more

    Well it looks like IBM is on shopping ;-) This time ISS, so ISS will be no more. At least it will be still TLA starting from I… So maybe changes wont be so big? ;-) To be honest some of ISS products make me want to howl or bite, but… as some may remember…

  • You want to start new company?!?

    Do You want start new, shiny Web2.0 company? Recently on and many more sites I saw great sets of resources for startups. But they lacks two very important entries. I can not let this alone, so let’s fix it. Here it comes. First You need Idea(TM) and Company Name. You can get both (for…