Firefox 2.0 and non standard ports

Today I was very surprised (unpleasantly) with FireFox 2.0 behavior. I would not expect, that I would have to use IE because of some stupid FireFox limitation. Try to go to this link (there is no service on this port). But that was normally domain for IE, which try to know better than user …

foobar not loaded yet – in Rails console

Have You seen something like this when working with Rails console? >> r=Route.find(:first) => #<Route:0x9bf9b00 @attributes={[cut…]}> >> r.points => <points not loaded yet> I usually forgot force Rails to extend models according to its :has_many relations when first time try to reach them in console. >> r.points(true) => [#<Point:0x9bf4ed4 @attributes={“lng”=>”20.8462”, “id”=>”460”, “lat”=>”52.2478”, “route_id”=>”41”}>, #<Point:0x9bf4eac @attributes={“lng”=>”20.8521”, …