Month: January 2008

  • Tk docs and best practices

    I’ve been using Ruby/Tk some time. It is quite good GUI toolkit, however very poorly documented. Well there is a lot documentation, but it is hard to start writing Ruby/Tk applications, since documentation is meant for advanced users. And how to become one? Well it may change in future. First, there was new Tcl/Tk release…

  • I want my console!

    When I had my first contact with Rails I was astonished. One of the coolest features for me was console. Total control of live application or just live testing. What You want. It must have been similar feeling to operate this console. Total control! Image from SXC But best yet to come. I’m writing in…

  • OpenID: Simple Registration and 37signals

    OpenID protocol has extension called Simple Registration (sreg). It is meant to exchange some additional info about user, not only authentication info. That way user logging first time with it’s OpenID account to some service didn’t have to write again data like date of birth, country or time zone. When I was using OpenID first…

  • FreeBSD from a scratch for Rails

    I had to prepare short information how to setup FreeBSD server to get Rails up and running. Not for production purposes but for development. Having it written down I decided to share with this. Here goes little howto (more on the way!): First You need FreeBSD. Fortunately we have virtualization nowadays! So I recommend You…

  • Rails hits mainstream – finally?

    This is exactly what makes Rails a ghetto. A bunch of half-trained former PHP morons who never bother to sit down and really learn the computer science they were too good to study in college. This happens to every technology which hits mainstream. Anyway – good reading (and remember to read more on Zed’s blog…