Month: April 2008

  • Progress bar for migration

    Probably it is time to replace my notebook with new one, but before this will happen I need to deal with what I got ;) So problem is with migrations. If they just add/remove database fields it is no problem. But recently I often do a lot computations on my data sets in those. Not…

  • Changing domain for Rails application

    Often we have to change domain on which does our Rails application work. Usually it is no problem, since we can run application accessible under both URLs and wait for Google to index new URLs. But it is not always as easy. For example Google Maps API key is bound to application URL, so with…

  • Run-N-Share is still alive!

    I was not posting in RNS category from long time, but this does not mean I have abandoned RNS, no way! I have recently deployed new code base version. From user perspective there is no much changes. Most notable, RNS now calculates and displays route length during route creation and edition. So You can use…

  • Google Maps – simple tutorial

    I have translated Google Maps tutorial, which I wrote last Year for my Polish blog. Since it was based on stable API version, and is targeted to Google Maps API newbies, so it is still valid. I hope it will be useful for some people – if You need to know how to start using…

  • RuPy 2008

    This year I was able to attend RuPy on two days, not like year ago. It makes huge difference ;) Pozna? by night with Ruby and Python zealots was remarkable experience. Talking about experience – I need to tell what happened when I was returning from Pozna? to Warsaw. I was on RuPy by car,…