Month: May 2008

  • Shuffling RubyGems versions

    I do some Facebook work for my customer, and when I checked out current source into my dev environment, application didn’t want to work :) Basically Facebook related code did not initialized properly. I was curious what is causing it and finally gave up (RFacebook plugin upgrade did the job), but it seemed that it…

  • Copy&Paste factory pattern

    When You take project over, after it being very long time in development, You can find very funny code snippets. Then You understand why project was soooo long in development. It is related rather with developer’s (not so)high skills ;) One example (and there is more pieces, even better qualified as entry for The Daily…

  • GMarkerManager and setImage – why it fails?

    I wrote simple howto about changing icons in markers when markers is already placed on map. And I was asked question about setImage and GMarkerManger. Problem is that when changing image with setImage old image will be displayed when user zooms map in or out – when GMarkerManager is used to place markers on map.…

  • TLabel – simple, smaller labels on Google Maps

    If You use Google Maps API, probably You want to use smaller windows/labels on map than default infoWindow, which happens to be huge and bloated. When I started Run-N-Share almost two years ago, I stumbled upon TLabel, minimalistic library for creating labels on Google Maps. It is abandoned project, but it still works with current…

  • RNS has own blog

    It was time to create separate blog for Run-N-Share. So welcome Blog-N-Share ! I’ve made Facebook application for RNS available few days ago, on new blog there are details what and how. Here I will still write about RNS, but more in technical context, site news and updates will be announced on Blog-N-Share.