Month: September 2008
What Would Seth Godin Do – WordPress plugin patch
UPDATE This patch can be applied to version 1.5 of WWSG – if You use other version, more recent, You need to change this by hand, using idea from this patch. I do use WordPress on few sites and I like it. Well, it is not ideal, but it has very strong community, which makes…
MySQL collate setting in Rails application
I do love MySQLs collate options. There are so many of them. One for server, one for database and one for client connection. There is one missing – One to rule them all ;)) I don’t know if it is FreeBSD specific (no it is not – I have checked only Linux box I got…
Session store – don’t get trapped
I’ve recently stumbled upon some design flaw in Rails applications. It looks like it is much more popular than I thought… Session hash can store whole objects. Don’t do that. I’ve recently seen applications storing whole ActiveRecord objects in session. Why it is dumb idea? First – with new Rails default storage for session are…