Month: December 2008
Will paginate for rescue
Will paginate is great plugin, used almost by every Rails application I have seen. But I’ve seen this plugin used to generate handful navigation among huge datasets. Well it was written with this in mind, but today I have found another use. How often Your application does need export huge dataset as CSV for example?…
Using non text values as arguments in functional tests
When running functional tests, You use methods like get, post, etc. a lot. They take as arguments action name to call (as a symbol) and hash with parameters. But You need to remember that this hash it is not exactly the same what params object is (from controller side). The main difference is that params…
It’s time to say goodbye!
Well, last 6 years I was using Windows as a main OS for my home/developer computers. Partly it was not mine decision, since my employers required me to run Windows. But, since I’ve jumped out of regular 9to5 two years ago this was not true anymore. It was convenient for me to use Windows, and…