Ruby On Rails and “sprawa polska”

First a bit of background. “Sprawa polska” it can be translated as “polish issue”. When You know polish history, than You know in 18th and 19th century Poland was not present as an independent country. We tried a lot to get our independence back, so Poles were present in every history stir at those times. …

FreeBSD ports collection and licenses

Recently I got task to do. I’m supposed to check whether withe some FreeBSD boxes managed by HP Poland are associated risks with improper uses according license. What?!?! You probably asked when read improper use according license in context of FreeBSD? Relax, I’m talking about applications installed via famous :)) FreeBSD ports collection. It turns …

You want to read it, because You want to be successful

You want it, right? Everyone search its own way to success, because everyone wants to be successful… OK I want to show You something, You will give You opportunity to find Your own way. Ready ? :-) It have started as usual, I was browsing web in some free time (nights can be long if …