JavaScript templates – Minus Mor plugin

First we need to install plugin: cd rails_app_directory ./script/plugin install Now we can use in views new kind of files .ejs templates. They are just like .rhtml, but instead of embedding Ruby code in HTML, You use JavaScript as an native language, and insert Rails/Ruby code with well known <%= and <% tags. This …

Iterating getMapTypes()

I’m still feeling new to JavaScript, and sometimes I’m really surprised. Let’s take following example. Google Maps API, GMap2 object has method getMapTypes(), which returns array of map types registered with this map. Well, I would expect that for such object running for .. in construction would result in iterating through array indexes, hence way …

Changing markers icons in Google Maps application

UPDATE 2007-4-22 Starting from API version 2.75 there is method setImage() for objects of GMarker class to change image. Check a little HOWTO about setImage. For Run-N-Share I was using custom images for markers icons. Redefinition of markers icons is quite easy and straightforward, but there is one issue around this topic. There is no …