Category: MUD
MUD, AJAX and real world
Before I have left for Internet free zone (Easter!) I have found this site It is somehow realization of my idea from almost year ago. This MUD sucks ;-) even if subtitle says it does not, but hey! this early development stage. But I don’t think will move out of this stage, since…
Response to my thoughts over MUD with AJAX, and in general number of queries AJAX and MUD from google, made me to change my plans. Now I will finish ASAP my first public RoR project (will be placed here) and I start DiesIrae 2.0 – web based MUD with AJAX. So I want to make…
MUD and virtualization
I’ve mentioned here several times about my old hobby – MUD. We have highly modified SMAUG mud running, but currently almost totally abandon… No time to make it a full-time hobby, so it was abandon… It was up & running almost all the time (I stopped working on it somewhere around 2000), but was not…
AJAX and MUD – is this possible?
Some time ago I wanted to start new project. Basically it was web based MUD. Yes. There is a lot of them, and most of them sucks. Yeah, I know, really know. But what makes them sucks? To find answer first You must know what makes MUD survive in MMORPG times. Text based interface has…