Code generation and events in Google Maps API

I’m moving fast with new RNS features development and I discover new GM API nuances, this time with events. In map edition mode it will be possible to change icons for particular route points and add some notes. All markers are kept in array, and for each marker I add listener for event ‘click’ which …

Smaller labels on Google Maps

I’m using TLabel library to support more compact and handy labels on map in RNS application. It works very well, buthen You add labels on map with many other elements (markers, polygons) You may noticed label is below markers. This makes labels hard readable. This is caused by default level on which are they attached …

Support software developers

Last night I was struggling with Google Maps API and JavaScript. In my simple tool to create shapes suitable to use in Google Maps applications I have discovered bug – when creating shape You could drag&drop only last one marker. I’m quite sure it was working in March when I have released this version. I …

RNS update, setImage tested

It become time to release update to RNS, route oriented site. From user perspective there are no big changes, maybe using setImage(), Google Maps API markers quite new feature as I have announced previously. This should make changing icons much faster and looks better than old delete/add marker. But under the hood there is a …

Google Maps API setImage or no more events redefinition

Before Google Maps API in version 2.75 changing icon for GMarker was not so easy. Why? Deleting old marker and creating new one is quite straightforward. But deleting marker means delete events associated with this particular marker. And recreating them for new one makes things much more complicated. Especially when events are added during application …