IE JavaScript & DOM debugging

Well, my last post about IE have resulted in some feedback, so I write some afterword First, there are some Developers Toolbar for IE like IE Developer Toolbar from MS, or DebugBar ( Currently I’m using MS one and it is good enough for me. Debuggers for JavaScript are available at least two from MS. …

Google Maps API – setCenter is crucial

I have just learned two things about Google Maps API. First, that setCenter method MUST be called just after map creation. Second one, that map has to be contained in div HTML tag. Without that (second thing), in IE You got strange erorr during using such a map (well it is just not usable). It …

JS objects synchronisation – true story

It looks like I know why I was getting so strange results in my bear with JS and Google Maps API. Well, true reason is something I call programming through C&P, or simply using others code without full understanding (let’s face it – even without a little ;-)) ) since I’ve got copied this function …