Category: Security

  • ISS – no more

    Well it looks like IBM is on shopping ;-) This time ISS, so ISS will be no more. At least it will be still TLA starting from I… So maybe changes wont be so big? ;-) To be honest some of ISS products make me want to howl or bite, but… as some may remember…

  • Rails and security

    Recently, DHH posted announcement about mandatory upgrade needed for Rails users. I’m ‘with Rails’ only few months, but I have impression Rails have a very few security issues in its history. Which is Good Thing. Core team have provided info (, but have not provided details about vulnerability. There was fierce discussion in comments, as…

  • Blue Frog – war with spam is not over?

    Recently Blue Security has failed with its Blue Frog service. I think that was very important event. Spamers have showed that behind them are real power, money and determination. Dangerous mixture. On the other side, Internet showed that something what was one of goals, when Internet was designed was lost. Redundancy. Blue Security issue have…