Tag: test

  • Extracting fixtures

    I’m still using fixtures. Shame, I know. Why I do use them instead of Factory Girl or other solution like that? Well, fixtures can be much more closer to real data than mocks from Factory. How come, You ask? Fixtures are imaginary data exactly like mocks from other sources! My answer is: that depends how…

  • Did I just cross Rubicon?

    First time I did write test first, then code for that. Revision 543, Run-N-Share. Usually I wrote tests after I have working piece of code, as a mean to provide some sanity check when making further changes. Does it mean I just crossed TDD border? :)))

  • Shoulda You abandon Test::Unit?

    (c) Alisdair I was not very keen on RSpec. Well to be honest I had some problems with writing tests at all. Fortunately old and bad times are gone. I mean writing test is now much more natural and has become second nature. That way I don’t need to force myself to write them. You…