Tag: testing

  • Extracting fixtures

    I’m still using fixtures. Shame, I know. Why I do use them instead of Factory Girl or other solution like that? Well, fixtures can be much more closer to real data than mocks from Factory. How come, You ask? Fixtures are imaginary data exactly like mocks from other sources! My answer is: that depends how…

  • Testing binary downloads with Webrat

    I’m using Webrat to keep some sanity when approaching maintenance of new application. Customers often come to me with legacy code, which somehow is not covered by tests. In such case integration tests are way to go, since they provide most bang of Yours bucks – each written test could cover many parts of application.…

  • How did I overcome TDD fear

    I was using Rails for over two years, but I still was not truly converted to TDD. There was no special reason for it, I have tried few times with my own projects to take TDD approach. And I was quickly returning to plain, old code crunching. Why? Maybe I haven’t approached TDD with enough…