
Witold Rugowski – freelance Ruby on Rails developer

Ruby on Rails developer with specialization in mashups (Run-N-Share – Google Maps API, FriendsFeedMe – Facebook Platform).

I’m self-employed, so if You need somebody with skills to build interesting web application feel free to contact me: rugowski@nhw.pl.

If You found my information related to Rails on this blog useful consider support me and recommend me on Working With Rails.

How can I help You?

If You need someone to help You write web based application You have found right person.

A bit of my background:

I’m in IT industry since 1996.

Before I started freelancing full time, I was doing for over 5 years consulting in network design. I was designing, deploying and managing networks using many different technologies, thus I have deep knowledge about protocols and networks. Earlier I was working as system administrator, managing UNIX machines.

As result I have rich skill base which is very helpful in designing web applications – I do understand well contexts in which applications need to operate.

You can view my complete profile on LinkedIn – go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/wrugowski to see my more details.

Why NetManiac?

So why NetManiac?? I stated – I’m one. I’m not addicted to any particular technology or product, I’m just spending almost all free time reading and experimenting with many tools.