IE errors with GPolyline – one more word

Despite of ironing some stupid mistakes with IE and GPolygon, strange things still have happened. I become suspicious when my IE7.0 have refused to work properly with official Google Maps API examples with error: Wyst?pi? b??d w czasie wykonywania. Czy chcesz debugowa?? Wiersz: 687 B??d: Arg: Fraction out of range (0 to 1 allowed) (Win …

Strange error in IE when using GPolyline

When using GPolyline in application based on Google Maps API and application in Internet Explorer fails with strange errors deep in API, You can recover by sticking to following procedure: be sure that application fails when adding GPolyline to map – map.addOverlay(new GPolyline(points)) spend a lot of time digging in Your code, even try to …

How to create shapes for Google Maps?

I’m using Google Maps API and currently need to draw some shapes on it. Of course GPolygon is right for me, but I need data for it. Like countries shapes. So I wrote simple tool in JavaScript to draw shape on map, and get corresponding data – array with vertexes latitude and longitude. As for …

GLog – another reason to use Google Maps API

I have discovered new class in Google Maps API called GLog. And this is another reason to use Google Maps API. As its name suggest it can be used to logging from Your JavaScript application. It provides three methods for writing in log window. write, writeUrl, writeHtml write text, URL or HTML in log window. …