Logger – simple, yet powerful Rails debugging tool

I don’t know about You, but logs are for me most powerful debugging tool. Placing many logger.debug or logger.info can quickly provide info what is happening inside Rails application.

This approach is especially useful when something wrong is happening and trigger is unknown. Placing many logging directives can provide data for analysis what could be a reason.

CC by Admond

Default Rails logger has one serious flaw which makes logs on production sites almost useless – messages are not grouped in calls. If You have many processes of Rails running and logging to single file, some requests will be processed in parallel and You have log entries mixed. With default log format there is no way to say which entry is from which process.

Since Rails 2.0 we have ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger, but it solves other problem – number of disk writes and file locks – You can set after how many entries log will be flushed to disk.


Here comes AnnotatedLogger for a rescue. The idea is to take each message and prefix it with PID of Rails process. As long You don’t run Rails in multithread mode, this is unique ID which will make log entry distinguishable.

class AnnotatedLogger < Logger
  def initialize *args
    super *args

    [:info, :debug, :warn, :error, :fatal].each {|m|
      AnnotatedLogger.class_eval %Q|
      def #{m} arg=nil, &block
        pid = "%.5d:" % $$
        if block_given?
          arg = yield
        super "%s %s" % [pid, arg.gsub(/\n/,"\n%s" % pid)]


Now in Rails::Initializer.run do |config| section of config/environment.rb define AnnotatedLogger as default Rails logger:

 config.logger = AnnotatedLogger.new "log/#{RAILS_ENV}.log"

Of course You can add other data to log entries (timestamp?). Here is an example of log entries:

24551:Processing SearchController#processing (for [FILTERED] at 2009-09-15 15:11:24) [GET]
24551:   Session ID: df260892836fc619ec666f894e7d8e88
24551:   Parameters: {[FILTERED]}
24542:   Airport Load (0.216460)   SELECT * FROM [FILTERED]
24542: Completed in 0.24903 (4 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01298 (5%) | DB: 0.22554 (90%) | 200 OK [FILTERED]
24551:   Search Columns (0.004711)   SHOW FIELDS FROM [FILTERED]
24551: Rendering template within layouts/blank
24551: Rendering search/processing

Without PIDs You would expect that Airport Load entry is part of SearchController#processing for session with ID df260892836fc619ec666f894e7d8e88. In reality this is output from processing different request.

What else?

This how I do deal with logs from Rails application. Do You have other ideas how to make logging more usable not only in development environment?

I have just other idea – probably You could use BufferedLogger with disabled auto flushing and patch ActionController to flush manually all entries after request was processed – then all messages would be dumped in single block.

Testing binary downloads with Webrat

I’m using Webrat to keep some sanity when approaching maintenance of new application. Customers often come to me with legacy code, which somehow is not covered by tests.

In such case integration tests are way to go, since they provide most bang of Yours bucks – each written test could cover many parts of application.

I had to create test for testing download some data in CSV format (have You said binary? :) ). With default matchers from Webrat You won’t be able to write effective assertions – and that why I’m referring to such file as binary.


So how to do it? Here is a quick tip

Use Webrat’s response_body to get raw body returned by application. Like that:

click_link "Get me some CSV data"
ret = CSV.parse response_body
  "In third row and sixth column You should have 2 and there is #{ret[2][5]}"

Are ActiveRecord validations worth anything?

ActiveRecord, which is core component of Rails framework (at least before Rails 3.0 become reality) provides a lot features which developers do love.

Validations are one of those features. They are methods which provide easy way to check if model is valid and protect consistency our data in database. Sounds good, but this is bullshit.

What AR really is ;) (c) CC <a href='http://www.flickr.com/photos/sekimura/'>sekimura</a>” title=”bullshit” width=”500″ height=”375″ class=”size-full wp-image-462″ /><figcaption id=What AR really is ;) (c) CC sekimura

Active Record validations are prone to race conditions. Period. It does not make any sense to rely on them if You really have to have consistent data (I’m referring to unique constraint and validates_uniqueness_of). The only way to go is to have constraints put on database level. Or write a lot workaround code in Rails. Error prone as well.

What is race condition? Race condition (or race hazard) is when outcome of some operation depends on timing between other operations.

Let’s take for example creation of two records where one attribute should be unique. How does work validates_uniqueness_of?

First it checks in DB (via SELECT) if there already is record with such value as unique attribute. If there is no such record then it run INSERT command to create new record.

Now imagine two processes are trying to create such record in the same time. Since SELECT and INSERT are separate operation it is quite possible (remember we have two processes trying to do the same thing at once):

  1. Model.save in PROCESS 1
  2. Model.save in PROCESS 2
  3. SELECT FROM PROCESS 1 (result – no record in DB)
  4. SELECT FROM PROCESS 2 (result – no record in DB)

Now guess how many records will be created? :))

What is takeaway from this rant?

ActiveRecord brings to table a lot improvements which each developer loves, but there is no silver bullet. Such race condition can happen (unless You run one Rails process in non-threading mode, but this is not very useful setup :D) even on low traffic application.

If there is really some business need which requires You to have unique data You have to implement some constraints on database level.

Use AR, since it is wonderful tool, but when used properly. Or maybe – know shortcomings of tools You do use.

Paperclip, passenger and “not recognized by the ‘identify’ command”

If You do use awesome :) Paperclip library, and on application served by Passenger You get errors like:

Avatar /tmp/stream.1170.0 is not recognized by the 'identify' command.

most probably Passenger does not have setup environment and is missing a path. On FreeBSD identify is placed in /usr/local/bin and AFAIR this path is not included by default in PATH. As result Passenger can not find this utility.

You can try to setup environment for Passenger (Apache?) or just add in appropriate environment (in my case it was production.rb):

Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/local/bin"

Design patterns or SOLID design

I’m using Rails and Ruby over 3 years now, but with each month I know there is a lot new things to learn. Recently I’m trying to learn much more about design patterns, and how to use them.

If You are new to design patterns and want to know why it is worth to learn this stuff I recommend You watching this session from this year’s GORUCO (GOtham RUby COnference):